The Department of Emergency Management collaborated with various University Units to create the Emergency Action Guide (EAG) for the FAU community. The EAG is a resource tool to provide information on how to respond to hazards that individuals encounter while at the University. Be prepared by reviewing these guides before an emergency occurs.
The EAG covers the hazards below and is available for download on the Owl Ready App (Download now: Android App on Google play | Apple App Store)
- FAU Alert System
- Tropical Cyclone
- Medical Emergencies
- Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT)
- Individuals with Disabilities
- Severe Weather
- Fire
- Emotional Distress Response
- Cybersecurity
- Victim Services
- Suspicious Package
- Bomb Threat
- Active Threat
- Suspicious Behavior
Ways to Respond to Emergencies
Call 911
Information to provide Law Enforcement:
- Namen and the telephone number
- The nature and location of the emergency
- The address or building, the room number or floor, area or department
- The number of injured people and their injuries
- Do not hang up until the person answering the call ends the conversation
- If it is safe, designate someone to meet emergency personnel at the approach to the building
Stay Calm
Do your best to stay calm, assess the situation, and protect yourself.
- If possible, locate at least two emergency exits in your area
- Silence your cell phone if necessary
- Use the telephone only for emergency purposes
Evacuate or Shelter in Place
Get to a safe place (evacuate or shelter-in-place).
- Leave the building immediately if you hear an alarm, if requested by authorities, or if the building seems unsafe.
- Do not enter an elevator in emergencies or attempt to force open elevator doors.
- Warn others around you and help them, to the extent that your skills allow.
- Do not expose yourself or others to risk in trying to save personal or University property.
- As you move, be aware of things that could be damaged, unstable structures or loose debris, exposed wires, chemical vapors or spills, smoke, and other such hazards.
What is a Safety Hazard?
A Safety Hazard is any condition which might be dangerous to faculty, staff, students, or visitors at FAU or something that could result in damage to University property
What is a Near Miss?
A Near Miss is an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage, but had the potential to do so. Only a fortunate break in the chain of events prevented an injury, fatality or damage from occurring.
How do I report a Safety hazard or near miss?
You can report safety hazards or near misses to Environmental Health and Safety Hazard Report Form or call (561)-297-3129, Option 8.
What is an Evacuation?
An evacuation consists of the movement of persons from a place within a hazard zone/area to a location that is outside of the hazard zone/area.
What Hazards May Warrant the Evacuation Area/Building?
A Fire, Bomb Threat, Hazardous Material spill, Active Threat, Utility Failure are a few examples.
What should I know about the building?
- Know at least 2 exit locations for the building.
- Pay attention to the locations of emergency equipment (i.e., fire extinguishers, pull stations, emergency telephones, etc.).
- Know the location of the assembly area or building evacuation points.
- To establish assembly points for your Unit, please contact the Office of Environmental Health & Safety.
What should I do when I hear a fire alarm, or receive an FAU Alert to evacuate?
- Turn off all hazardous experiments or procedures before evacuating
- Leave belongings
- Check all doors before you open or go through them
- Evacuate the building using the nearest exit or stairway. *DO NOT USE ELEVATORS*
- Call 911 from a safe area and provide name, location, and nature of emergency
- Proceed to pre-determined assembly area/evacuation point of building and remain there until you are told to re-enter by the emergency personnel in charge
- To establish assembly points for your Unit, please contact the Office of Envrionmental Health & Safety
- Inform emergency personnel of the event, conditions, and location of individuals who require assistance and have not been evacuated
What should I do to initiate a evacuation of a building?
Activate fire alarm pull station located at various points along exit routes.
“Shelter in place” is a directive to seek immediate shelter indoors following the announcement of an emergency condition.
Sheltering in Place is scenario based. When it is necessary to shelter-in-place, you will be safest by moving inside to a building space that protects you from danger.
Shelter-in-Place — Severe Weather
Remain Calm
- Immediately seek shelter inside the closest sturdy building.
- Once inside, stay away from windows, glass, and unsecured objects that may fall
- Best to seek shelter in interior rooms and corridors.
- Resist the temptation to go outside and check the weather conditions yourself.
- DO NOT use elevators.
- Monitor emergency communications for specific instructions.
- DO NOT leave until an “All Clear” is received.
During a tornado, seek shelter on the lowest level possible. If warranted, consider crouching near the floor and seeking additional shelter under a sturdy desk or table, or cover your head with your hands.
Weather Definitions
Watch: Conditions are favorable for the development of severe weather. Closely monitor the situation in the event advisories or warnings are issued.
Warning: Severe weather has actually been observed. Listen closely for instructions provided by weather radios/emergency officials.
Shelter-in-Place — Chemical, Biological or Radiological
A place of shelter is an area inside a building that offers occupants protection during an accident or intentional release of a chemical, biological or radiological agent.
Note: Many toxic chemicals have a vapor density greater than that of air, and will seek the lowest ground. In the case of a shelter in place due to a chemical spill, follow instructions provided by emergency personnel.
- Go inside the nearest building.
- Close all doors, windows and other inlets from the outside.
- Monitor emergency communications for specific instructions.
Shelter-in-Place — Hostile Intruder / Active Shooter
For all EMERGENCY CALLS dial 9-1-1
Contact Us
Campus Operations Building
(69) Boca Raton Campus
Email: em@istanbulbuklet.com